By Johan Laubscher
Audi have produced many iconic race cars. All of the Audi cars have
their own unique sounds, many of which, like the five cylinder turbo cars, have
become legendary. Below are nine YouTube videos featuring Audi race car sound recordings.
The soundtrack is from the “Der Klang Der Ringe” which has driver interviews and recordings from
eight legendary Audi race cars. Imagery of the specific car has been included by the
YouTube user who uploaded the soundtrack as videos. The sounds from these
recordings which all include onboard and outside recorded sound, are brilliant,
Each video begins with a short interview followed by trackside and then in-car recordings and ends with a closing interview.

Auto Union Type C
Audi Sport quattro S1 E2
Audi 90 IMSA GTO

Audi V8 DTM

Audi A4 STW

Audi R8 LMP

Audi A4 DTM

Note: Not all of the images in the videos are correct, especially the Audi R8 video which shows the Audi R15 plus. These images were included in the videos by the user who uploaded them onto YouTube. These incorrect images are not from the Audi Motorsport blog.